Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stagecoach-Unforgiven-True Grit Comparison

Comparison Stagecoach to True Grit:
Stagecoach and True Grit may have many similarity's but they are different movies. In True Grit it's based on revenge of Mattie's father's death and Maddie was looking for the badness guy in the small town, and after the man telling name's of men to hire the name cogburn rang her bell, than she found cogburn and ask him to "kill the man that killed that killed my father", but at first cogburn didn't take Mattie very seriously because she was just a little kid going on her nonsense, and cogburn was going to take Mattie's fifty dollars and run off, but Mattie let him get away from trying to take her money because the real person in the movie that has True Grit was Mattie since she was stubborn has a horse. In Stagecoach it's way different since there was Dallas, Ringo kid, Buck, Hatfield, lieutenant blanchard, and many more going on the journey across the United States in to Mexico. They had many stops on the way there, so they want get killed by the apaches, since they didn't have anymore protection from the United States army. On one of the stop Mrs. Lucy Mallory had fated on the floor. The next day everyone realized that she was pregnant and she was going to have a baby girl, than everyone started arguing that they shouldn't stay long move out, but the Doc. said that we can't leave because of the baby. At the end lieutenant Blanchard had let Ringo free, so you he can live along happy life with Dallas and that Mr. Blanchard realized that Ringo isn't that bad of a guy. Stagecoach has a happy ending because someone falls in love and everyone is safe and sound.

Comparison Unforgiven to True Grit:
 Unforgiven and True Grit have important element of the revisionist Westerns, They both have strong females in the roles. In Unforgiven the women in the story have a classic western fit of the good girls, and the whores. In both movie the females also have another side of them self's like an example in Un forgiven is when one of the whores got scared to death in the face all the other whores started protecting each other and even the girl that got  knifed to death. The whores wanted to get revenge on what that man did to her. In True Grit Mattie wanted to get revenge on Tom Chaney for killing her dad in front of the house, so Mattie got really aggressive on killing Tom Chaney, and when Mattie pulled the trigger on Tom Chaney, he didn't realize that she had it in her to shoot him. At the end of both movie's the females get what they wanted at the beginning revenge and pride for sticking up for who they are. True Grit Mattie had payed cogburn the money and in Unforgiven the whores had given the money to Bill Munny and Schofield kid.

True Grit: Revisionary film

I think that it's a revisionary film because there isn't a good ending at the end like a classic when the ending in a classic is the hero and his/her lover get married and have happy life. In True Grit Mattie was odd and so was cogburn because the girls really smart and cogburn is a old guy that can't get off the coach. True Grit ending was really weird because the little girl grows up doesn't get married and lives alone in a house.

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