Thursday, May 5, 2011


The word fabulous in the picture means how everything around you is so amazing and it also it involves skiing because you are out seeing the wonderful blue sky with the sun behind it makes so fabulous.

Friday, April 29, 2011




Gradient Map

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

High contrast color/ Vintage color/ Pictorialism

High Contrast

Vintage color

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


In this picture I had used Illustrator and did a path for each word like the one on the house, mountian, forest, and also the ski amd snowboard lift.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


In this picture I sharped the picture so you can see the montain more clearly and the house close up.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Portrait Photographer Q's

© Steve McCurry

1. Steve McCurry
2. the subject in this picture is the man and the women surrounded by white pigeon
3. Bird's flying and also  foreign castle.
4. The two of the people are sitting on the ground and another person is walking in this picture
5. Normal life of Afghanistize
6. The man looking crazy while he feeding the birds.
7. The light is coming from above the people and the birds, the type of light is coming from the sun.
8. The photo convey that the people are having fun feeding the birds
9. The subject's are crazy and doesn't they slept alot.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stagecoach-Unforgiven-True Grit Comparison

Comparison Stagecoach to True Grit:
Stagecoach and True Grit may have many similarity's but they are different movies. In True Grit it's based on revenge of Mattie's father's death and Maddie was looking for the badness guy in the small town, and after the man telling name's of men to hire the name cogburn rang her bell, than she found cogburn and ask him to "kill the man that killed that killed my father", but at first cogburn didn't take Mattie very seriously because she was just a little kid going on her nonsense, and cogburn was going to take Mattie's fifty dollars and run off, but Mattie let him get away from trying to take her money because the real person in the movie that has True Grit was Mattie since she was stubborn has a horse. In Stagecoach it's way different since there was Dallas, Ringo kid, Buck, Hatfield, lieutenant blanchard, and many more going on the journey across the United States in to Mexico. They had many stops on the way there, so they want get killed by the apaches, since they didn't have anymore protection from the United States army. On one of the stop Mrs. Lucy Mallory had fated on the floor. The next day everyone realized that she was pregnant and she was going to have a baby girl, than everyone started arguing that they shouldn't stay long move out, but the Doc. said that we can't leave because of the baby. At the end lieutenant Blanchard had let Ringo free, so you he can live along happy life with Dallas and that Mr. Blanchard realized that Ringo isn't that bad of a guy. Stagecoach has a happy ending because someone falls in love and everyone is safe and sound.

Comparison Unforgiven to True Grit:
 Unforgiven and True Grit have important element of the revisionist Westerns, They both have strong females in the roles. In Unforgiven the women in the story have a classic western fit of the good girls, and the whores. In both movie the females also have another side of them self's like an example in Un forgiven is when one of the whores got scared to death in the face all the other whores started protecting each other and even the girl that got  knifed to death. The whores wanted to get revenge on what that man did to her. In True Grit Mattie wanted to get revenge on Tom Chaney for killing her dad in front of the house, so Mattie got really aggressive on killing Tom Chaney, and when Mattie pulled the trigger on Tom Chaney, he didn't realize that she had it in her to shoot him. At the end of both movie's the females get what they wanted at the beginning revenge and pride for sticking up for who they are. True Grit Mattie had payed cogburn the money and in Unforgiven the whores had given the money to Bill Munny and Schofield kid.

True Grit: Revisionary film

I think that it's a revisionary film because there isn't a good ending at the end like a classic when the ending in a classic is the hero and his/her lover get married and have happy life. In True Grit Mattie was odd and so was cogburn because the girls really smart and cogburn is a old guy that can't get off the coach. True Grit ending was really weird because the little girl grows up doesn't get married and lives alone in a house.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rhythm blending

For this picture I had taken each picture and put them together. Than he looks like he's walking away and I had also have changed the brightness and the contrast of each picture. So it looks more realistic for the viewers to look at. I had used burn to make the picture be on the ground than be in the air. Than I used layer mask to get rid of the blueness in the picture below. At the end I check if every thing looks prefect to print and ready for matting.

Monday, March 14, 2011

blending mods

For this picture i had blend them both together too like more realistic and make you feel that it's on the ski.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Surface blur, Rander, Photo filter

For this picture I had changed the contrast & brightness and than I did a surface blur with a rander of Five up to make the picture look more powerful and make it more interesting to the viewers in my class.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Online film Assignment

1. Ocean 11

In the clip from Ocean 11, the frame of mind is shown right away from the darkness all around and the diming of the lights on the poker table that give's it an ominous look, that it doesn't look what it seems to be. After that it moves to the bar were the music is more lively than it's over, since it felt to me that the music sense back to the poker table had been fade in edit. Than back to the poker table where a familiar face has shown up. The unrestricted sense that the viewer sense from the two well known faces are obvisoult up to something, but the players around the table don't. The character's had anticipation to when the plan had happen. The shot between the guy that won the pot of money and brad pitt was meduim shot because you feel like he know's something that you don't.

2. Silence of the Lambs

In the beginning of the clip that the man holding the bug was a close shot and it felt like the camera movement was a hand-held. The other shots were a steadicam because they did smooth and short edit dissolve between the sense of the man going into the door and than cutting to the police outside on the side of the house. The lighting was really dark and it was hard to see the man in the house and the kid in the hole with the dog in the house. The shot with the guy's behing the red van was a meduim shot with a steadicam that had last a couple of seconds.

3. Magnolia

The start of the clip was a steadicam through the whole clip form the dad walking with his son too the dad doing his job for the play. Than it would change person's to follow around the studio. It's shot through the clip was a long shot because it show the view of the front shot, middle shot and back shot. It show's rule of thirds while the people were walking through the halls of the studio. An example of the clip would be the son and the dad walking together in the halls in the studio. The lighting at the beginning was light darkness when the son and dad walk in to the studio together.

4. Amadeus

The beginning of the clip of the two character's sitting in chairs was a meduim shot and it had little low key lighting because there was a little dark shadow on each of the character's face. Before they had cut it to blend it in you good hear the women sing before they cut to the choir/music secene and good hear after too. There was a long shot on the lady sing and than she slowly comes closer to make you feel like your in that opera. We really can't see the insturment but we a soom that there.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


First I had change the brightness and the contrast than put a new solid layer like black after that change feather px than put marquee bubble around the outside that turns black than after that you can change your opacity to what looks best for your picture.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Best picture Nominee Blogging Assignment

Social Network
1. Funny.
2. Crazy
3. interesting
1. mind blogging
3. mind puzzle
Winter's Bone
1.slow in time
3. wish it was more detailed
Toy Story 3
1. loved the ending
2. speech less
3. funny
The King's speech
1. slow going at beginning
2.not very action
3. acting was could of been more interesting

"The Social Newtwork" would be Number one movie in the Oscar Nominee in my option because it show's how even younger kids with good education and use it wisely could become up one of the top billionaires at a young age like 20 years old in college and he's the only good corporate role model for young teens too get an education because any thing can happen to be a billionaire just look at Mark Zuckerberg who was a regular student from Havord than made up to the top Billionaires.

"Inception" was the second movie for Oscar Nominee because it took the Christopher Nolan had spent ten years to make the screen play because it was complicate to make the three layer in the film and trying to make it realistic for the viewers, also to make every camera angle shot perfect. This movie can be down in just a few minutes or the movie can keep going on and on and on... This movie can confusse people really easy, so most people rent it more than once or watch it more than once to realize that it's not really. The actor's must of tooken along time to get every shot angle perfect because the movie had tooken ten years.

" Winter Bone" is young women who shows power towards people who keep secert
from people that killed her and that won't reveal where her father is died or alive. The second to oldest daughter has too save the family house from the government that's trying too take her family house since her dad didn't come to court. Later on they had discover that the familt and Reed's doesn't have to leave there warmy couzy house for several reasons.

"Toy Story 3" this movie is based on a kid named Andy and has a lovely relationship with his toy's named Buzz light year, woody, sleeky dog. In the movie has grown older like college age and he's about to leave without his toy's, and Andy mom telling Andy to put his toy's some where else like the attic, storage room, donation to the care, and lastly to put them in the trash, and Andy is upset with getting away his toy's.

"The King Speech" this movie had began really slowly and wish it would speed up because it took a long time to develop the story. Building up the story line took most of the film that it got really boring to watch. I prefer movies with more action and more to the story line. The acting was ok and the film could have been more interesting. The length of the film could have been shortened by 30 minutes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day in the Life

   1. I took three perfect images that I took for the Day in the life of my dog and than I photo shop all three images that I took into one big picture, and for every picture I changed the brightness and contrasts to look more interesting, and than I combined the three pcitures together. First two on the right I but them top to bottom and the dog picture I routate the picture to a 90 degrees.

2.  The strength is that the dog picture looks good in the picture and the brightness, contrast, and the ISO looks really good. The weakness is that the floor picture looks to bright in the picture and too contrast, and wish that it was less contrast so it can be more realist.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day in the Life

What I did to this picture is I made the brightness pop brighter and I just pop the contrast just a little bit more to look more real and not bland.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Combat of Extreme, A- Team

The A- Team was amazing it blew me away it had a lot of action, some funny parts, stupid parts, and also some mystery solving of who killed who and is he still alive, and I thought that the Movie was really good and I prefer people to watch it if they like action movie. The director did a good job of choosing the actors in this movie, and the actor's did a good job of the role playing in the movie.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The social Network

I think that the movie Social Network was good because it showed action between every individuals and how every intense part came up the speed got slower and the music got slow and louder,  along with when the parts are more crazy like when there taking shots of buz every time they hack, and also when there at clubs in California. The movie shot's were pretty good since there was a varity shot's to large, medium, and too small. I don't this movie would be good for a play since the actors move to different place like going to Harvard, New York, California, clubs, and different corporations buildings, but I think that it would be good for book because you can add more information of what had happen to get Facebook on the interent and how they really hacked in to different colleges like Stanford, Yale, MIT, ect..... and how Mark and Edurado and the other people that help get facebook up really got along with each other.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Artist Statement

I created art because it interest me and it make feel that I can take any picture that I want and make it really good. Pictures that envolve with skiing or any outdoor picture inspires me. It make my photo's interesting and creative. I have taken Photo 1 & Photo 2 work so far, and I would love to make alot of photo shop and blend multi-photo's & to add different color to the picture. Valp Maciej Hajnrich his photo are about creativly and he also one the artist for Armada ski company and hip hop/rap music, and he used alot of photoshop/ software, yes they do it's digital photo and photo shop mostly. I think the image pop's out lot because I think he want people to look more deeply in the photo because it's about skiing, and being free, and also music. I think he had a good choice for making this photo.